BWC recruitment process and guidance
Website - All of our positions are advertised on our Trust website. There is a lot of information here about what we offer as a Trust.
Applications - All applications for positions need to be made online through NHS Jobs.
Job description and person specification - Ensure you are reading the JD/PS which will give you more information about the knowledge, skills and experience needed for the post, this is what managers use when undertaking shortlisting.
Shortlisting - Shortlisting is an anonymous process where managers cannot see your personal information. Ensure you tailor your application to the role you are applying for.
Interviews - Interviews may be face-to-face or virtual and some may also include tests. We want to get the best out of you during these, so it is important you research the job you have applied for as well as the organisation.
Offer - If you are successful, you will receive a conditional offer letter through Trac, this will detail all relevant steps of the process and what you need to do next
Pre-employment checks - There are 6 different pre-employment checks we need to obtain for you before you start in the post.

Pre-employment checks
DBS - All new starters are subject to an enhanced DBS check before starting in their new post. All new starters will also be asked to complete a declaration form declaring anything they feel may show up on a DBS check.
OH - All new starters will have to have full occupational health clearance before starting in the post. The level of checks and requirements for OH will differ depending on the role you have been appointed to.
ID - We will be required to verify any new starters' identification before starting in the post, this will include photo identification and proof of address.
RTW - All new starters will be subject to a right-to-work check before being issued an unconditional offer letter and start date, this may be a manual check or a check through our electronic ID checking tool - Trust ID.
Qualifications/Registration - Should the person specification for the job you have been appointed to require you to have a specific level of qualification you will be asked to provide evidence of this qualification during your pre-employment process. We will also have to verify any professional registration that is required for the role.
Refs - All new starters into the NHS will be subject to a reference check, we will need to obtain a minimum of two references that cover the last 3 years of your employment/education history. Should you already work in the NHS we can accept one reference as long as it covers a 3-year period up to and including a recent date.