1. Patients & visitors

    1. Getting here
      1. Parking
        1. Free car parking information for frequent Women's Hospital outpatient attenders
    2. Getting here
      1. Clean Air Zone
      2. Parking
    3. Choice of Alternative Provider (COAP)
    4. Coming in for an operation
      1. Having a blood transfusion
      2. 'Standby' patients for Surgery
      3. Recovery
    5. Digital letters and text reminders
    6. Ethics Advisory Group
    7. EnjoyArt
    8. Facilities
    9. Facilities
    10. Guide to virtual appointments
    11. Inclusion and Diversity
      1. Advocacy
      2. Advice, Support with Benefits and Help with Energy Costs
      3. Disability and additional needs
      4. PALS and Complaints
      5. Arts and Culture Newsletter
      6. LGBTQ+ Resources
      7. BIPOC Resources
      8. ADHD, Autism and Neurodivergence Support
      9. Disability resources
      10. Religious and Cultural resources
      11. General EDI resources and support links
    12. Parent accommodation
    13. Parent accommodation
    14. Patient leaflets
    15. Patient leaflets
    16. Support and advice
      1. Access to health records
      2. AccessAble
      3. COVID-19 resources for patients and families
      4. Safeguarding
      5. Patient Experience
        1. Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
        2. Listening to you
      6. Health and Wellbeing
        1. Stop smoking
        2. Healthy eating
        3. Physical activity
        4. Vaccinations
          1. COVID-19 Vaccination information
            1. Pregnancy and Covid-19 vaccination
            2. Young people and COVID-19 vaccination
            3. Covid-19 vaccines and fertility FAQs
        5. Home safety
        6. Mental wellbeing
        7. Measles
        8. Extreme weather
          1. Winter extremes
          2. Heatwaves
          3. Air quality alerts
      7. Interpreting Service
      8. Reachdeck translations & Accessibility
      9. Learning disabilities
    17. Supporting you for free
    18. What to bring
    19. Visiting and wards
      1. Children's Hospital virtual tour and maps
      2. Children's Hospital visiting
        1. Waterfall House
      3. Women's Hospital visiting
        1. Women's Hospital Neonatal Unit Virtual Tour
        2. Women's Hospital Maternity Unit Virtual Tour
      4. Forward Thinking Birmingham (Mental Health) visiting
      5. Infection Prevention and Control
        1. Our Infection Prevention and Control team
        2. What you can do to protect yourself and your family
        3. Parent and Patients information Leaflets
      6. How do I get free home rapid lateral flow test kits?
    20. Women's Hospital pre-operative assessment
    21. What to bring
    22. Young people
      1. Youth Work
      2. Sound appointments
  2. Our services

    1. Audiology
      1. Useful terms about the ear and hearing
      2. Audiology leaflets
      3. Preparing for your Audiology appointment
    2. Birmingham Children's Hospital
    3. Bereavement Services
      1. Children's Hospital Bereavement Services
        1. Magnolia House
      2. Women's Hospital Bereavement Services
        1. Gynaecology Bereavement Services
          1. Miscarriage, Ectopic and Molar Pregnancy Support
          2. Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR) Support
          3. Termination of Pregnancy Support
      3. Get in touch
    4. Bump
    5. Burns Centre
      1. Acute Burn Care
      2. Scar Management Service
      3. Skin Laser Service
        1. Scars
        2. Vascular Conditions
      4. Information for Burns Professionals
    6. Cardiac
      1. Cardiac treatments
      2. Our Cardiac staff
        1. Dr Tristan Ramcharan
      3. Cardiac leaflets
    7. Chaplaincy
      1. What do Chaplains do?
      2. Our Chaplaincy staff
      3. Children's Hospital Chaplaincy
        1. Caring for our Muslim patients and families
      4. Women's Hospital Chaplaincy
      5. Chaplaincy referrals
      6. Chaplaincy bereavement support
      7. Multi Faith Cultural Advisory Group
      8. Kintsugi Heart Project
      9. Chaplaincy videos
      10. Christmas at BWC
        1. Blue Christmas
        2. Our Virtual Christmas Illuminations
      11. Celebrating Easter
      12. Chicks in our chapel
    8. Children with Medical Complexities Team
    9. Clinical Photography and Design Services
      1. Our Clinical Photography and Design Services staff
    10. Craniofacial
      1. Your first appointment
      2. Speech and language therapy
      3. Our Craniofacial staff
      4. Common Questions
      5. Craniofacial leaflets
    11. Cleft Lip and Palate
      1. Our Cleft Lip and Palate staff
      2. What is cleft lip and palate?
      3. Cleft lip and palate support
      4. Cleft lip and palate patient stories
      5. Cleft Lip and Palate leaflets
    12. Dental
      1. Our Dental staff
    13. Diabetes
      1. About diabetes
      2. Diabetes clinics
      3. Our Diabetes and Endocrinology Staff
      4. The Diabetes Team
      5. Information for professionals
      6. Diabetes support and activities
      7. Diabetes resources
      8. Diasend instruction videos
      9. Diabetes leaflets
    14. Dermatology
      1. Dermatology staff
      2. Dermatology conditions
      3. Eczema information video
      4. Epidermolysis Bullosa
        1. EB information for professionals
          1. Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) course
      5. Dermatology leaflets
      6. Information for professionals
      7. Dermatology research
      8. Dermatology Courses for Professionals
        1. Annual Paediatric Dermatology Course for Paediatricians
        2. Annual Paediatric Dermatology Course for Dermatologists
    15. Dietetics
      1. Our Dietetics staff
      2. Dietetics information for professionals
    16. Ear, Nose and Throat
      1. Clinics, location and contact details
      2. Our Ear, Nose and Throat staff
      3. Information for professionals
      4. Other useful websites
      5. Ear, Nose and Throat leaflets
    17. Endocrinology
      1. CEW Service
      2. Endocrine services
      3. Our Diabetes and Endocrinology Staff
    18. Eye Department
      1. Eye Department staff
      2. Information for Professionals
      3. Services and clinics
      4. Eye Department Leaflets
      5. Contact Lens Videos
    19. Fertility Centre
      1. How to start your IVF journey
      2. Why choose us?
        1. About Birmingham Women’s Fertility Centre
        2. Success rates
        3. Costs of treatments and funding streams
      3. Meet the team
      4. About fertility
        1. Fertility in women
        2. Fertility in men
        3. How you can improve your own chances
      5. Our Tests
        1. Diagnostic Andrology
        2. What tests do we offer?
      6. Treatments
        1. In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
        2. Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
        3. Compensated egg sharing
        4. Treatment with donor eggs
        5. Treatment using donor sperm
        6. Single women and same-sex couples
        7. Surrogacy
        8. Ovulation induction agents
        9. Artificial insemination
        10. Surgical sperm retrieval
        11. Egg freezing
        12. Sperm freezing
        13. Sperm bank
        14. Egg donation
      7. Getting in touch
    20. Gastroenterology and Nutrition
      1. Our Gastroenterology and Nutrition Staff
      2. Information for professionals
      3. Gastroenterology leaflets
    21. Forward Thinking Birmingham
      1. You've been missed
        1. Children
        2. Young People
        3. Parents and Carers
        4. Educational Professionals
        5. Other Professionals
    22. General Paediatrics
      1. General Paediatrics staff
    23. Emergency Department
      1. Our Emergency Department staff
      2. Top tips from our Emergency Department
      3. Emergency Department leaflets
    24. Genetics
      1. Information for patients - Genetics
      2. Information for professionals - Genetics
      3. Leaflets, support groups and further information
        1. General Genetics leaflets
        2. Cancer Genetics leaflets
      4. Neurofibromatosis Nurses
      5. Haemoglobinopathy Screening Practitioners
      6. Contact the Clinical Genetics team
      7. Genetics clinics location maps
    25. Gynaecology
      1. Ambulatory Gynaecology Care
      2. Gynaecology Assessment Unit (GAU)
      3. Endometriosis
      4. Gynaecology FAQs
      5. Gynaecology leaflets
      6. Gynae-Oncology
      7. Menopause services
        1. The Menopause team
        2. Menopause clinics
        3. Referrals and appointments
        4. Menopause advice and results
        5. Menopause resources
        6. HRT supply shortages update
      8. Reproductive Medicine
      9. Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research
        1. Tommy’s research priorities
        2. Tommy’s supporting you
      10. Urogynaecology
        1. Urogynaecology clinics
    26. Haematology
    27. Hand and Upper Limb
      1. Publications
      2. Fundraising and how to support us
      3. Activities for Children and Families
      4. Hand and Upper Limb Clinics
      5. Information for professionals
      6. Questionnaire for parents with children aged 5-9
    28. Health in Mind
      1. Information for professionals
      2. Health in Mind/Clinical Psychology leaflets
    29. Hospital School
      1. Hospital School staff
    30. Infant Feeding Team
      1. Infant feeding educational videos
      2. Feeding your baby & building close, loving relationships
        1. Skin to skin
        2. Breastfeeding
          1. World Breastfeeding Week
        3. Formula feeding your baby
    31. Inpatient CAMHS
      1. Inpatient CAMHS wards
      2. Information for professionals
    32. KIDS/Neonatal Transfer Service
      1. KIDS/NTS staff
      2. KIDS/NTS information for professionals
      3. KIDS/NTS leaflets
    33. Liver Unit
      1. Our Liver Unit staff
      2. Ward 8
      3. Liver Unit contact and location
    34. Maternity
      1. Your antenatal care
        1. Your appointments
        2. Tests and screening
          1. Why have I been asked to come for a screening?
          2. The Lucina Test
        3. Your scans
      2. Birth Reflections Service
      3. Diabetes Antenatal team
        1. Metformin
        2. Your glucose tolerance test
      4. Going home
      5. Parent education
      6. Pregnant with COVID-19
      7. Fetal Medicine Centre
      8. Maternity leaflets
      9. Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership
      10. Your birth options
        1. Home Birth
          1. Home Birth Workshop
          2. Home Birth Stories
        2. Birth Centre
        3. Caesarean Section (C-section)
        4. Delivery Suite
    35. Major Trauma Coordination Team
    36. Medical Secretaries (Women's Hospital)
    37. Mental Health Services
    38. Cochlear Implants
      1. Your child’s treatment journey
      2. Useful website links
      3. Referral information
      4. Types of Hearing Implants
    39. Neonatal
      1. Human Milk Bank
      2. Information for parents and visitors
      3. Dads Experiencing Neonates
      4. Neonatal Unit leaflets
    40. Neurology
      1. Our Neurology staff
      2. Our Neuro-immunology team
      3. Our neurometabolic and neurogenetic team
      4. Neurology patient leaflets
      5. Neurophysiology patient leaflets
      6. Epilepsy Surgery
        1. Meeting the team
        2. Children’s Epilepsy Surgery Service pathway
        3. Investigations
        4. Clinics
        5. Neuropsychology
        6. Patient stories
          1. Millie's epilepsy surgery story
          2. Finn’s epilepsy surgery story
          3. May’s epilepsy surgery story
          4. James’s epilepsy surgery story
      7. Inherited White Matter Disorders Service
        1. IWMDS Meet The Team
        2. IWMDS Referral
      8. Neurology information for professionals
      9. Stuart Green memorial lectures and bursary
    41. Neurosurgery
      1. Neurosurgery Meet the Team
    42. Maxillofacial
      1. Our Maxillofacial Staff
    43. Metabolics
      1. Metabolic disorders
      2. Metabolics research
      3. Newborn screening
      4. Contact details
      5. Useful metabolic websites
    44. Neurophysiology
      1. Neurophysiology staff
    45. Occupational Therapy
      1. Occupational Therapy staff
      2. How we assess you
      3. Occupational Therapy information for professionals
        1. Advanced Occupational Therapy Practice
      4. Occupational Therapy services
      5. Occupational Therapy leaflets
    46. Oncology and Haematology
      1. Contact Numbers
      2. Where to find us
      3. Oncology Team
      4. Haematology Team
        1. Haemophilia Unit
      5. Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Units (POSCUs)
      6. Cancer Nurse Specialist (Key Working Team)
      7. Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Service
      8. Tumour Registry
      9. Oncology and Haematology Outpatients
      10. Ward 18 and Ward 19
        1. What to expect as an inpatient
      11. What to do if your child becomes unwell
      12. Going Home
      13. General Practitioners (GP)
      14. Oncology and Haematology Department – Research
      15. Long Term Follow-up
      16. Oncology and Haematology leaflets
      17. Useful Websites
    47. Outpatients
      1. Blood Testing
      2. Outpatients and Phlebotomy leaflets
    48. Orthopaedics
      1. Orthopaedics and Trauma leaflets
    49. Paediatric Surgery and Urology
      1. Clinical observerships for doctors
      2. Neonatal Surgical Outreach Service
      3. Paediatric Surgery staff
      4. Paediatric Surgery treatments
        1. Minimally invasive surgery in Waterfall House
      5. Colorectal Leaflets
      6. Paediatric Surgery leaflets and videos
      7. Urology Surgery Leaflets
    50. Palliative Care Team
    51. Pain Management leaflets
    52. Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
    53. Play
      1. Virtual Reality
      2. The Play and Admissions Centre
      3. Entertainment
    54. Private Patients
      1. Overseas patients
    55. Pharmacy
    56. Physiotherapy and Orthotics
      1. Physiotherapy staff
      2. Physiotherapy services
      3. Physiotherapy information for professionals
      4. Physiotherapy placements and work experience
      5. Physiotherapy leaflets
    57. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
      1. Ear Reconstruction
        1. Ear reconstruction clinics, wards and treatments
        2. Ear Reconstruction staff
        3. Ear reconstruction information for professionals
      2. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery leaflets
    58. PICU - Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
      1. Our PICU staff
      2. Staying with your child in intensive care
      3. Going to intensive care after surgery
      4. Information for professionals
    59. Renal/Nephrology
      1. Renal Leaflets
      2. Our Renal staff
    60. Respiratory
      1. Facilities and services
      2. Respiratory leaflets
      3. Research and education
    61. Radiology
      1. Interventional Radiology
      2. Women's Hospital Radiology leaflets
      3. Children's Hospital Radiology leaflets
    62. Rheumatology
      1. Rheumatology staff
      2. The Rheumatology team
      3. Rheumatology clinics and wards
      4. Useful links for Rheumatology patients
      5. Rheumatology Case Study
      6. Rheumatology information for professionals
    63. Rare Diseases
      1. Rare Diseases location and facilities
      2. Rare disease services and clinics
    64. Speech and Language Therapy
      1. Speech and Language Therapy staff
      2. Speech and Language Therapy teams
    65. Vital Services (Estates and Facilities)
      1. Loveday Street
  3. Professionals & partners

    1. Referrals
    2. Urgent paediatric referrals
    3. Research
      1. Clinical Research Facilities
        1. Support for research studies
        2. Accessing the Clinical Research Facility
        3. Public engagement at the Clinical Research Facility
      2. CCP-UK Patient Notification Form
      3. Research Foundation
      4. Research trial management
      5. HRA Approval
      6. Applying for R&D funding
      7. RAPID project
        1. What technology is used in RAPID?
        2. Kaleb's RAPID story
        3. Georgia's RAPID story
      8. Research Contacts
      9. NeuroCOVID study
    4. Laboratories
      1. Pathology Services department
        1. Celebrating our Biomedical Scientists
          1. Meet Angela Kumari - Senior Biomedical Scientist
          2. Meet Ben Done - Specialist Biomedical Scientist
          3. Meet Chijioke Onyeama – Biomedical Scientist
          4. Meet Chris Charlton - Senior Biomedical Scientist
          5. Meet Fin Terry - Senior Biomedical Scientist
          6. Meet Kavita Akhter - Biomedical Scientist
          7. Meet Matthew Wakeman, Specialist Biomedical Scientist
          8. Meet Sukhjit Purewal - Specialist Biomedical Scientist
          9. Meet Usman Ahmed - Biomedical Scientist
          10. Meet Zaiba Asif - Specialist Biomedical Scientist
        2. Our pathology services
        3. Requesting pathology tests and sending samples
      2. West Midlands Regional Genetics Laboratory
        1. Rare Disease and Reproductive Genomics
          1. Core Genomic testing
          2. National Genomics Directory for Rare Disease
          3. Whole Genome Sequencing – Rare Disease C&S GLH
          4. Prenatal-reproductive genomic testing
          5. Endocrine Genomic testing
          6. Metabolic Genomic testing
          7. Neurology Genomic testing
          8. Other specialised Genomic testing
        2. Cancer Genomics
          1. Genomics Directories for Somatic and Inherited Cancers
          2. Whole Genome Sequencing - Somatic Cancer
          3. Solid Cancer Genomic testing
            1. Rare Disease Solid Cancer Genomic testing
            2. Genomic Testing in Adult Solid Tumours
            3. Genomic Testing in Paediatric Tumours
            4. Genomic Testing in Neurological Tumours
            5. Genomic Testing in Sarcomas
          4. Haematological Cancer
          5. DPYD Pharmacogenomics Testing
        3. Research and development
        4. Education and training
        5. Quality at the West Midlands Regional Genetics Laboratory
    5. West Midlands CAMHS Provider Collaborative
    6. Education and training
      1. Elective placements
      2. Systemic practice and family therapy training
      3. Birmingham Pathology Training Centre
        1. Birmingham Pathology Training Centre Courses
      4. Education Resource Centre
        1. Education Resource Centre - conference and events facilities
        2. Education Resource Centre courses
    7. Centre for Paediatric Spiritual Care
      1. Meet the CPSC team
      2. Spiritual care research
      3. Training and conferences
      4. Spiritual care activities and resources
      5. Spiritual Play
      6. Centre Library
      7. Books and leaflets
    8. Library
  4. About us

    1. News
      1. Talk BWC
      2. Our Allied Healthcare Professionals
      3. Our 5th Birthday
        1. New look for birthday celebration
        2. Creating bonds for the last five years - BWC fifth birthday
        3. Thank you to our Support Teams, a message from Phil Foster
        4. Tracey's proud of united voice
        5. Raffaela Goodby looks back at the BWC EDI journey
        6. Reflecting on the past five years with Elaine Kirwan
        7. Reflecting on the past five years with Yvonne Millard MBE
      4. Children's Hospital 160th Birthday
        1. Celebrating our Clinical Success
          1. Celebrating Clinical Success – Our award-winning Major Trauma Team
          2. Celebrating Clinical Success - Our incredible IMD department
          3. Celebrating Clinical Success - Our Outstanding Liver Unit
        2. Being a part of BC
          1. Being a part of BC - 'I always knew I would return'
          2. Being a part of BC - Two of our Sisters share their story
          3. Being a part of BC – Shaping our own paths with Nurse Associate Ellie
    2. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
    3. Vision and Values
    4. Board of Directors
      1. Board meetings and minutes
    5. Sustainability and Net Zero Carbon
      1. Our pledge
      2. Carbon pie
        1. Building energy
        2. Anaesthetics & inhalers
        3. Water & Waste
        4. Personal Travel
          1. Clean Air Day
        5. Business Travel
        6. Medicines
        7. Medical Equipment
        8. Other equipment
        9. Construction & Food
        10. Other services
      3. Climate adaptation
      4. Sustainability News
    6. Our Council of Governors
      1. Council of Governors meetings
    7. Annual General Meeting
    8. Leading the way nationally and globally
    9. Our rich history
      1. Women's and Children's early history
    10. Freedom of Information
      1. Publication Scheme
        1. Who we are and what we do
        2. What we spend and how we spend it
        3. What our priorities are and how we are doing?
        4. How we make decisions
        5. Our policies and procedures
        6. Lists and registers
        7. The services we offer
        8. What is not included in the Publication Scheme
        9. Charging
        10. Exemptions
        11. Records Management
        12. Copyright
        13. Equality and Diversity
    11. Publications and reports
      1. Equality, diversity and inclusion
      2. Safe staffing reports
    12. Terms and conditions
      1. Privacy Policy
      2. Cookies Policy
      3. Modern Slavery Statement
    13. Media Centre
      1. Filming and photography requests
      2. Condition checks
      3. Life and Birth
  5. Getting involved

    1. Give us your feedback
      1. Complaints
    2. Become a volunteer
      1. Volunteers' Week
      2. Our volunteer roles
      3. Application process
      4. Volunteering safety
      5. #iwill Youth Volunteering
      6. Frequently Asked Questions
      7. Contact our Volunteering team
    3. Become a member
    4. Join our youth advisory groups
      1. YPAG
      2. Think4Brum
    5. Family and Patient Advisory Council
    6. Neonatal Parent Advisory Group
    7. Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership
    8. Shape your future – Become a Young Research Champion today
    9. Fundraise for us
      1. Birmingham Women's Charity
      2. Birmingham Children's Charity
    10. Monthly staff awards
    11. Women's Hospital CareCart donations
  6. Contact us

  7. Jobs

    1. Apprenticeships
      1. Clinical Healthcare Apprenticeship
      2. Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship
    2. Aspire@BWC
      1. Work Experience
      2. Virtual Work Experience
      3. Employment for people with a Learning Disability
      4. Supporting schools
      5. Useful Links
    3. BWC Spirit Awards
    4. Careers in paediatrics for adult nurses
    5. Celebrating BWC Spirit
      1. Thank you to our patients and families
    6. Clinical excellence
    7. How we support and develop you
    8. International Day of the Midwife 2023
      1. Find your Fit - The Switch Up Scheme
      2. Supporting our Internationally Educated Midwives
      3. Promoting respect and 'Pressing Pause' - Reducing Incivility with Gemma Price
      4. Professional Midwifery Advocacy Scheme - 'We're not cogs in the machine'
      5. Optimising our Triage services through Quality Improvement
      6. Improving bladder care across our Post-natal services with Kathy Parsons
      7. Enhancing Antenatal Care
    9. Maternity recruitment
    10. Recruitment
      1. The recruitment journey
    11. Service Contribution Awards
    12. What our staff think about working here
      1. Doctor’s Day 2022
    13. Staff Vaccinations
      1. Register your Vaccination