Leaflets, Support groups and further information
Further information
There is a lot of information about genetics available on the internet; some of these sources of information are more accurate and reliable than others. We would recommend you wait before investigating these further until we can provide you with some advice about your condition and direct you to reliable sites and sources of information. However, there is a short list of reliable sites below.
Support Groups
You may find the following support groups helpful if you are looking for information aimed at patients and their families affected by genetic conditions:
Genetic Alliance UK
Genetics Alliance UK is a national charity working to improve the lives of patients and families affected by all types of genetic conditions. Their aim is to ensure high-quality services, providing information and support to all, while actively supporting research and innovation.
Contact a Family
Contact a Family supports families of disabled children across the UK, whatever their condition or disability. They provide information, advice and support, bringing families together so they can support each other. Parents can call a freephone helpline and talk to a parent adviser for information and advice on any aspect of caring for a disabled child.
Unique is a support group for anyone affected by a rare chromosome disorder. They provide support for children and families affected including practical support, access to support networks, information and links to relevant research. Unique runs a telephone and email helpline for families and professionals to find out more about the group.
Macmillan provides support, information and advice on all aspects of cancer care, from diagnosis, treatment, caring for someone affected and life after cancer. Macmillan can offer support locally, over the phone and via an online community.
Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC)
ARC offers non-directive individualised information and support to parents who are making decisions around antenatal testing. They help parents cope with the uncertainty and anxiety which is an inevitable part of the testing process.