Clinical Photography and Design Services

Clinical Photography and Design Services offer professional clinical photography, video and design services to Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and the wider healthcare community.

Clinical photography

We photograph a wide range of clinical conditions for treatment planning and teaching purposes. The photographs are taken in our dedicated photography studio and on location in wards, clinics and operating theatres. As well as 2D photography we offer the following clinical services:

Dermoscopic Imaging

Dermoscopy photography is a diagnostic technique which allows greater visualisation of structures of the skin which are otherwise invisible to the naked eye. It can be used to examine moles and pigmented lesions.

3D photography

3D photography is used to create an image that can be rotated and viewed from all angles. Accurate measurements can be taken from the images so clinicians can monitor changes, plan surgery and make facial splints for burns patients.


Patients can be referred to us for medico-legal purposes. We work with a wide range of external agencies to provide precise photographic evidence.

Thermal Imaging

A thermal camera uses infra-red imaging technology to detect infra-red radiation and heat. It can be used in the diagnosis and assessment of conditions such as burns injuries, pressure sores and vascular conditions.


Video is one of the most powerful tools in effective communication. This is a rapidly growing service which is firmly based around clinical education. The equipment and expertise we have allow us to capture both the routine and pioneering surgical procedures which helps to educate student and junior doctors and other health professionals.

Graphic Design

We work with users of the service to help develop their ideas and produce an end product that meets their needs whilst also ensuring that it conforms to Trust and NHS brand guidelines. We produce a vast range of materials including: conference posters, patient information leaflets, brochures and newsletters. We produce illustrations, animation and on-line interactive content for both internal and external clients that are regularly used for teaching, research and publications.

Professional standards information 

As of April 2017 Medical Illustrators are now on the AHCS Register accredited by the Professional Standards Authority.

Professional Body: Institute of Medical Illustrators:

Referral process

Clinical Photography and Design Services offer a walk-in clinical service during opening hours. All clinical referrals must have a signed Clinical Photography / Video Request Form. Ward and theatre requests can be called through to the department on the below numbers.


We are located on the ground floor of the Children’s hospital, next to Ward 1.

Opening times and contact details

Monday – Friday, 8.30am – 5.00pm

Office: 0121 333 8490

Photography: 0121 333 8498

Graphic Design: 0121 333 8495 / 8493

Video: 0121 333 8491