What our priorities are and how we are doing?
Information regarding strategy and performance, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews is contained within the following documentation.
Information item/description |
Availability and Links |
£ = Possibility of charge |
Purpose of the Trust: The Quality Account details a range of commitments the Trust has made to ensure continuous improvement in the service we provide. |
Waiting lists and overall performance: Information about the Trusts overall Performance can be found on the Care Quality Commission’s website. Examples include readmission rates, indicators of pressure and progress against National Service Framework targets. |
Information Governance (IG): IG encompasses seven areas:
The Trust undertakes annual assessments of improvements in these areas. |
Contact Information Governance Manager Tel: 0121 333 8434 bwc.governancesupportteam@nhs.net or see www.hscic.gov.uk |
Population and Lifestyle Characteristics: From National Census and other surveys |
The Office for National Statistics ONS: www.statistics.gov.uk or www.birmingham.gov.uk |
Information item/description |
Availability and Links |
£ = Possibility of charge |
Periodic Review: Performance Reviews are undertaken by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Existing commitments and national priorities are used to assess whether levels of service set through the planning round are being maintained. When looking at how well a trust is managing its financial resources, the CQC draw on work carried out by the Audit Commission and by Monitor, the regulator of NHS foundation trusts. |
Details of the Trust’s performance can be seen at www.cqc.org.uk |
Care Quality Commission: From 1 April 2010 the Trust is required to be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). To become and remain registered, the Trust must be compliant with the CQC’s essential standards of quality and safety. The CQC will undertake continuous monitoring of the Trust’s compliance with the standards and will seek evidence of compliance from the Trust if it has any concerns. The CQC will carry out a review of the Trust’s compliance at least every 2 years. The Trust currently holds unconditional registration status.
The Trust’s registration details can be found at http://www.cqc.org.uk/file/4981 |
Monitor Is the independent regulator of NHS foundation trusts. They ensure that we operate effectively, efficiently and economically; meeting healthcare targets and national standards. |
www.monitor-nhsft.gov.uk or contact the publication scheme coordinator at bwc.freedomofinformation@nhs.net for further information. |