Who we are and what we do?
Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust (BWC) brings together the very best in paediatric and women’s care in the region and is proud to have many UK and world-leading surgeons, doctors, nurses, midwives and other allied healthcare professionals on our team.
Birmingham Children’s Hospital is the UK’s leading specialist paediatric centre, caring for sick children and young people between 0 and 16 years of age. Based in the heart of the city centre, it is a world leader in some of the most advanced treatments, complex surgical procedures and cutting-edge research and development. The hospital is a nationally designated specialist centre for epilepsy surgery and also boasts a paediatric major trauma centre for the West Midlands, a national liver and small bowel transplant centre and a centre of excellence for complex heart conditions, the treatment of burns, cancer, liver and kidney disease.
It’s also home to one of the largest Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in the country, comprising of a dedicated inpatient Eating Disorder Unit and Acute Assessment Unit for regional referrals of children and young people with the most serious of problems (Tier 4) and the Forward-Thinking Birmingham community mental health service for 0- to 25-year-olds.
Birmingham Women’s Hospital is a centre of excellence, providing a range of specialist health care services to over 50,000 women and their families every year from Birmingham, the West Midlands and beyond. As well as delivering over 8,000 babies a year, it offers a full range of gynaecological, maternity and neonatal care, as well as a comprehensive genetics service, which serves men and women. Its fertility centre is one of the best in the country, while the fetal medicine centre receives regional and national referrals. The hospital is also an international centre for education, research and development with a research budget of over £3 million per year. In 2016, it was announced as the national miscarriage research centre – the first of its kind in the UK - in partnership with Tommy’s baby charity.
The Trust follows Government strategy, encapsulated in The NHS Plan and National Service Frameworks.
Information item/description |
Availability and Links |
£ = Possibility of charge |
The Annual Report: The Annual Report typically contains a summary of the Annual Accounts, performance, events and achievements during the year, and outlines future prospects. It also tells you who is on the Board and what they are responsible for. |
The contents can be found on our website |
£- for supporting information £ - depending on level of detail |
Organisational Structure: A list of consultants by specialty is also available. |
Publication Scheme Coordinator |
£- for supporting information £ - depending on level of detail |
Register of Interests of Board Members All members of the Board of Directors are required to make known at each meeting any declaration of interest. This information is also recorded in the register of the Declaration of Interests |
Publication Scheme Coordinator Bwc.freedomofinformation@nhs.net The Register of the Declaration of Interests of the Board of Directors is held by the Company Secretary and can be accessed by the Company Secretary. Tel: 0121 333 8433 |
£- for supporting information £ - depending on level of detail |
Maps: Where we are and how to reach us |
£- for supporting information £ - depending on level of detail |
Partnering Organisations |
Availability and Links |
Possible charge |
Social Services |
https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/children Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Telephone: 0121 303 1888 Emergency out-of-hours: 0121 675 4806 |
£ - [N.B. These organisations will be developing their own schemes and setting their own conditions, including charging regimes.] |
The following are contracted to provide patient transport. |
St John’s Ambulance |
£ - [N.B. These organisations will be developing their own schemes and setting their own conditions, including charging regimes.] |
St Pauls Cars and A4 MTS |
For more details please contact: Publication Scheme Coordinator: Bwc.freedomofinformation@nhs.net |
£ - [N.B. These organisations will be developing their own schemes and setting their own conditions, including charging regimes.] |