How we make decisions

The NHS Plan and its Implementation Programme provide the basis for all service planning in the NHS. Three important themes run through the NHS Plan and other plans and policy documents associated with it. These are:

  • Making the NHS more focused on the needs of patients;
  • Ever improving the safety and quality of NHS services;
  • Reducing inequalities and improving access to health and health care.

These themes should be reflected in everything that the NHS does, and in every part of the NHS performance management and planning processes.” (National Modernisation Executive Group Guidance, July 2001)

We are currently developing how the organisation takes patient feedback when planning its services.  The Trust aims to do this by learning from the experiences of its patients through, patient experience feedback, contacts with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service, formal complaints, our Patient Feedback App, walkabouts, mystery shoppers, feedback cards and more, but most importantly face-to-face feedback

Information regarding policy proposals and decisions, decision-making processes, internal criteria and procedures, consultations, reports, policies, meetings of minutes and business plans is contained within the documentation set out below:

Information item/description

Availability and Links

£ = Possibility

of charge

Minutes of Public Board Meetings

£ - for hard copy

and supporting information

depending on

level of detail

Business Plan and Strategic Plan: See the Annual Plan and strategic objectives


Trust Headquarters

Chief Executive’s Office

Ladywood House

Steelhouse Lane


B4 6NH

Please contact switchboard:

0121 333 9999


The following provides details of consultation procedures, decision-making processes, timescales and responses. It also includes consultations in progress and details of how you can become involved.

Information item/description

Availability and Links

£ = Possibility

of charge

Public Consultation:

The Trust will use its website and other channels to inform the public of any proposed service change or significant variation in accordance with its

duties under section 11 of the Health and Social Care Act 2001.



Patient Support Groups:

The Trust has established several Patient support groups which are clinical condition-specific.

A list of the support groups and some direct links to their specific websites are available under the Support and advice section of the website.



The local Patients Advice and Liaison Service is an independent body, offering impartial advice on how to get the best from your NHS and addressing any concerns you may have. The PALS service includes an Interpreting Team.

Please contact switchboard:

0121 333 9999


Consent to Treatment:

Further information can be obtained from the leaflet 'Consent - A guide for parents'. There is a similar guide written for children and young people. They are available in the outpatient department and in all wards and departments.


Information is also available on our website