Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 gives anyone access to a wide range of information held by public authorities, including the NHS.
What is FOI?
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) gives a general right of access to all types of information held by public authorities. It gives the public:
- The right to be told whether the information exists
- The right to receive the information
The intention of FOI is to encourage a spirit of openness and transparency throughout the Public Sector and Birmingham Women's and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust fully supports this aim.
Can information be released about patients or staff?
The FOI does not allow people to obtain personal information about patients or our staff and does not give individuals access to their own personal information – this information is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998.
To make a subject access request for copies of your medical records please contact the patient admin services team at
Write to Patient Administration Services
Subject Access Request
2nd Floor Heslop House
Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Steelhouse Lane
B4 6NH
Tel: 0121 333 9714
Or for workforce information email our Workforce Department (Human Resources Department) at
Write to Human Resources Department
Ladywood House
Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Steelhouse Lane
B4 6NH
Tel: 0121 333 8355 option 3
Can the Trust refuse to provide information under the Act?
The Act aims to strike a balance between promoting openness, protecting the privacy rights of individuals and maintaining the right to confidentiality.
This balance is achieved through use of the exemptions defined by the Act which require us to withhold information that is of a personal, confidential nature or that which may have a negative effect on the conduct of public affairs.
If we decide not to disclose information to you, we will advise you of the reason(s) why we cannot meet your request.
How do I make a request and to find out more information?
Before submitting a request please refer to this year's Publication Scheme [pdf] 594KB.
You might also be interested in reading this year's FOI 4078 Payments to Suppliers[xlsx] 159KB.
Email or write to:
FOI Lead/Publication scheme coordinator
2nd Floor,
Heslop House
Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Steelhouse Lane
B4 6NH
Tel: 0121 333 8954
Please ensure that you provide a contact name and address when making your request and be as specific as possible about the information you require. You do not have to state why you want the information.
Before submitting a freedom of information (FOI) request please note :
We are a separate organisation to University Hospitals Birmingham and any freedom of information (FOI) requests intended for them should be addressed to:
Freedom of Information Co-ordinator
Room 22c, First Floor
Nuffield House
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
Mindelsohn Way
Birmingham, B15 2PR
When will I receive a response?
In compliance with the Act, we will try to respond to your request within 20 working days from the date we receive your written request.
If we are unable to provide the information requested within 20 working days, we will advise why, and provide a date by when we expect to be able to respond.
Is there a charge for providing information?
The majority of information detailed in our Publication Scheme is available free of charge. Where a fee may apply for providing information in our Publication Scheme, it will be clearly stated in the scheme.
The Trust is committed to providing information at minimal cost. If a fee is applicable, the Trust will follow the Fees Regulations and national guidance issued by the Department for Constitutional Affairs and the Information Commissioner’s Office.
You will be advised in writing by means of a fee notification if any fee applies before we release any information. The 20 working day timeframe will freeze if a fees notification is sent to you until your payment has been received. If we do not receive your payment within three months from the date of our notification, we will assume that you no longer require the information.
Or alternatively, further information can be found at