Lists and registers
Information item/description |
Availability and Links |
£ = Possibility of charge |
Main contractors and suppliers: A list of our main contractors and those that supply services to the Trust can be obtained by contacting the Publication Scheme Coordinator. |
Publication Scheme Coordinator
Assets registers and information asset register: This is a list of assets that are over the value of £5000. Further details can be sought from the Publication Scheme Coordinator. |
Publication Scheme Coordinator |
Register of interests A register of interests declared by Board, PEC, Executive Team and other staff members is available on request. |
Company Secretary Tel: 0121 333 8433 |
Register of gifts/hospitality to Board members and senior personnel: A register of gifts and hospitality received by Trust staff is available on request. |
Company Secretary Tel: 0121 333 8433 |
Disclosure Log A list of information disclosed by the Trust as a result of FOI requests can be found on our website. |
Publication Scheme Coordinator |