Lists and registers

Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority are detailed below.

Information item/description

Availability and Links

£ = Possibility

of charge

Main contractors and suppliers:

A list of our main contractors and those that supply services to the Trust can be obtained by contacting the Publication Scheme Coordinator.

Publication Scheme Coordinator




Assets registers and information asset register:

This is a list of assets that are over the value of £5000.  Further details can be sought from the Publication Scheme Coordinator.

Publication Scheme Coordinator


Register of interests

A register of interests declared by Board, PEC, Executive Team and other staff members is available on request.

Company Secretary

Tel: 0121 333 8433


Register of gifts/hospitality to Board members and senior personnel:

A register of gifts and hospitality received by Trust staff is available on request.

Company Secretary

Tel: 0121 333 8433


Disclosure Log

A list of information disclosed by the Trust as a result of FOI requests can be found on our website.

Publication Scheme Coordinator