The services we offer

Advice and guidance including descriptions of the types of services offered by the organisation are detailed below.

Information item/description

Availability and Links

£ = Possibility

of charge

Clinical Services:



Support Services:

For example, X-ray, Pharmacy and

Pathology.  A list of the Trusts departments, an overview of the departments’ role and relevant contact details are available in the A-Z index on our website.


Private Patients:


The Annual Report:

Contains brief summaries of what we do and where we channel our resources.


Public Board of Directors Minutes:

Board Meetings and Minutes



Patient Information:

The Trust has a Child and Family Information Centre where a vast amount of information for patients, parents and carers is available.  There is also vast amounts of information available on the website under the Patient and Visitors heading.

Patients and Visitors

or contact

The Child & Family Information Centre
Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Steelhouse Lane
Birmingham B4 6NH
Tel: 0121 333 8505
Fax: 0121 333 8505

The Play Centre

Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Steelhouse Lane
Birmingham B4 6NH
Tel: 0121 333 8656




Vacancies for volunteers are advertised via the recruitment page on the website.  Further information on becoming a volunteer is available from our Volunteer Services Team.



Hospital Chaplaincy

The Chaplaincy team are available to provide spiritual, religious, pastoral care and support 24 hours a day for anybody who needs it.


or Tel: 0121 333 8527.


James Brindley School

The James Brindley School has a team of teachers and support staff that will teach your child either on their ward or in the school building. If your child is in hospital for more than one week the teacher will ask your child's school to send work.


James Brindley or visit Hospital Facilities 


Our interpreting department provides a vital communication link between healthcare professionals and families whose first language is not English. We offer a range of services.


The Interpreting Service


Social Work:

We have a social work department in our hospital. The social workers can advise you on practical and financial problems, tell you about local services and help arrange the ones you need.

If you would like to speak to one of our social workers, please contact switchboard: 0121 333 9999


Restaurant and Snack Bars:

Further information including opening hours is available on our website.


Infection control:
Guidance on infection control is displayed throughout the hospital.  The Trust also produces and annual infection control report

Infection Prevention and Control


Play Centre:

We have a Play Centre that families can use between 1pm - 4pm Monday - Friday

Play Centre

Please contact switchboard:

0121 333 9999


Parent Accommodation:

For more information, please contact the Parent Accommodation team on 0121 333 8450. or visit Parent Accommodation