Get a Jab, Give a Jab, Save Lives – Our winter vaccination campaign link-up with UNICEF
Our ‘Get a Jab, Give a Jab, Save Lives’ campaign has returned. This means when you get protected by having your flu jab our Charity will kindly donate to UNICEF on your behalf to help them give lifesaving vaccinations to children in some of the most difficult-to-reach and at-risk communities in the world.
The flu vaccination remains available for free to every single member of our Team BWC regardless of your role and, if we all get ours this winter we could support UNICEF in protecting 150,000 children against potentially deadly diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough for life.
Details on how to get protected against both flu and COVID-19 can be found below.
How to get your jab
Our roaving vaccinators are travelling around our sites offering bot flu and COVID-19 jabs.
Vaccinations will also be available in your wards and departments offered by a colleague from your team. Please keep an eye on our Update BWC emails and intranet for further information.
At our Mental Health sites
Get yours across our sites by speaking to or emailing our colleagues:
Finch Road
Michelle Marston (flu vaccinations only)
Tina Ross (flu vaccinations only) - GAU
Fleur Pomponne (flu vaccinations only) – Irwin
Attending an appointment – what happens?
It helps our vaccinators register your vaccinations if you have your employee and NHS numbers with you. However, if you’re not sure of these please don’t let that put you off attending.
You can expect each vaccination appointment to take around 10 minutes.
After a basic health check, which includes questions about any allergies you have and any medication you are currently taking, you will be asked to give your consent confirming you are having the vaccine.
It is given via needle into your non-dominant arm/shoulder and will feel no more than a quick sharp scratch.
It is advisable to wear loose clothing as the vaccination is given in your upper arm.