Policy on patient condition checks
We place a great emphasis on ensuring the strictest confidentiality of our children and families. We will not divulge any patient information unless we are given permission by parents or legal guardians and all requests of this nature must be made through the Communications Team.
We will only able to assist with patient ‘condition check’ enquiries if a full name (correct spelling), date of birth and/or the address of the patient concerned can be provided. No information will be released without the consent of the patient’s parents or guardians.
If consent is given, only a brief indication of the progress of the patient will be given, such as the patient is ‘stable’ or ‘comfortable’ or ‘seriously ill’. We will not provide a diagnosis or prognosis or details of injuries.
Contact us
During normal working hours, you can contact the Communications team on 0121 333 8511/8504. An out-of-hours on-call service is provided through the main switchboard (0121 333 9999). Condition checks received out-of-hours will only be released in emergency situations.