Gastroenterology and Nutrition

Our department provides a world-class service to the children of West Midlands and beyond. We are a team of experienced specialists looking after patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), children with intestinal failure (on home parenteral nutrition) and other gastrointestinal diseases.

We have one of the largest cohorts of paediatric inflammatory bowel disease patients in the United Kingdom. The service encompasses all aspects of IBD care; medical, nursing and surgical treatments, psychological and nutritional support, research and education, as well as service for the transition from childhood to adulthood.

We directly look after one of the largest cohorts of children with intestinal failure on home parenteral nutrition (HPN) in the United Kingdom and this is in conjunction with the Nutritional Care team, here at the Children’s Hospital.

We provide the following services:

  • Outpatient clinics
  • Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) clinics
  • Day case diagnostic endoscopy/colonoscopy service for those children who have been assessed as would benefit from investigations
  • Day case infusion service for infliximab or intravenous iron
  • Monthly multi-disciplinary teleconference meetings for tertiary referrals on complex intestinal failure patients
  • Inpatient Nutrition Support and Intestinal Failure (NSIF) service (supporting parenteral nutrition use whilst an inpatient with us).
  • PH impedance study
  • Capsule endoscopy
  • We are involved in research and drug trials so that patients will have better outcomes and medications available to them

The team

We have six specialist consultants, one advanced nurse practitioner, two specialist nurses, and four full-time dietitians working with the team. We also work closely with the nutritional care team, pharmacists, surgeons and the Liver Unit.

Location and Facilities

Our inpatients are based at the Children's Hospital on ward 7. Daycase patients are usually admitted to the Medical Daycare Unit.

Contact details

Department of Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Steelhouse Ln
B4 6NH

Telephone: 0121 333 8705/0121 333 8720.

IBD specialist nurse: 0121 333 6016