Referral Information
We accept referrals from any professional involved in a child’s hearing care, including audiologists, ENT doctors, family doctors, paediatricians, teachers of the deaf and speech and language therapists. The following information is useful to include in your referral:
- Hearing history and most recent hearing test information. We will contact the child’s local audiology department for further information, before accepting the referral, if required
- Medical and developmental history
- Information about the child’s communication and educational needs
- Interpreter needs and any other relevant information about family circumstances
To avoid delays, please send referrals directly to the Hearing Implant Programme, not the Ear Nose Throat Department at Birmingham Children’s Hospital.
Please read our Midlands Hearing Implant Programme Referral Guidelines.pdf
Referrals should be sent to:
Mrs K Tzifa, Mr R Irving or Kate Hanvey
The Midlands Hearing Implant Programme – Children’s Service, Aston University Day Hospital, Coleshill Street,
Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET
You can also email referrals:
Secure Email: