Palliative Care Team

photo of a child holding and adults hand

Our palliative care team provide support for children, young people and their families and carers. We are the lead centre for paediatric palliative care within the West Midlands and offer ongoing supportive care to children and young people within a multi-disciplinary team setting, working closely with children who have a life-limiting or life-threatening illness.

Each child and young person’s palliative care plan will reflect their unique, individual, and changing needs and will encompass their emotional, physical, spiritual, psychological, and social requirements to ensure their dignity; respect and quality of life remain the focus of the care we provide.

The support offered by the team will vary according to individual needs and we will offer specialist palliative care alongside the specialist teams of doctors and nurses who are leading the patient's care, guiding and advising along their pathway.

The palliative care team work in collaboration with the bereavement services to provide family-centred care with a streamlined approach to supporting children and families compassionately throughout their journey.

The team is based within the Trust at the Birmingham Children’s Hospital site and provides a Monday to Friday 8-4 service working closely with the children’s community nurses and hospices across the West Midlands and the UK. We offer expertise and guidance to ensure a robust and effective care plan is in place to support palliative care delivery.

Contact details

For further information including advice and support for children and families please contact the palliative care team directly at 0121 333 9999 (ext. 6780) for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Bereavement Services please call 0121 333 8889.