Neonatal Parent Advisory Group

What is the Neonatal Parent Advisory Group (NPAG)?  

NPAG is a parents register for families that have been discharged from our Women’s Hospital’s Neonatal Unit for over 12 months. This is a supportive network where parents can share their thoughts and ideas on how to make our services better for future families that visit with us.  

Listening to families is a really important part of providing high quality, safe healthcare. The purpose of NPAG is to involve parents, carers and families in improving and developing our Neonatal service. NPAG provides you with a platform to voice your thoughts and opinions to help us to develop materials for future families.  

Make your voice count by signing up to the NPAG register today. 


As an NPAG member, you’ll be... 

As involved as you wish to be! You can attend at your convenience as this is a voluntary network, to support future parents through the strengthening of our Neonatal services by giving your feedback, thoughts and ideas on projects we’re undertaking. Weekly, monthly, even yearly, all feedback is incredibly important to us.  


Here are a few things that will be on the cards if you join our NPAG register: 

  • Support us with creating informative resources for families, carers and parents on the Neonatal unit who are in a similar position to what you have experienced.  

  • Join focus groups on strengthening our Neonatal services and how we can continue to improve for our patients.  

  • Learn about the new developments in the unit and how you can get involved.  

  • Be a part of interview panels and have your say on who we recruit into our teams across the whole of Neonatal.  

  • Contribute towards our staff training programmes by voicing how they can continue to develop and create an improved patient experience. 


How do I join?  

Any families who have been discharged from our Neonatal units for 12 months or more are able to register their interest to join our NPAG network. You can be as involved with NPAG as you would like. Even if you’d like to be involved in one-off activities, we’re happy to have you with us sharing your feedback.  


To find out more, email us at  

You can also follow our social media channels to stay current on all things NPAG 



Birmingham Women’s Hospital’s Neonatal Unit Facebook Group  

You can also call us to seek further information: 0121 3335 8190.  

Email to register your interest in joining the Parents Register