Think4Brum (T4B) is the youth advisory group for Forward Thinking Birmingham (FTB), our 0-25s mental health service. T4B gives young people, especially those who have used our services, an opportunity to get directly involved in FTB, helping us to shape the design and delivery of our services. We provide you with the support and encouragement to have your say, as well as offering training opportunities and the chance to get involved in lots of different activities. You can be involved as much or as little as you'd like.
Think4Brum members have been involved in:
Co-design of a Mental Health Journal/Passport
Involvement in mental health research within the Trust and with partners including the University of Birmingham and Birmingham City Council
Supporting staff training through developing training packages
Staff recruitment, including on interview panels
Taking part in service improvement events such as The Big Discussion
Attending and delivering content at national conferences
Directorate-level decision-making bodies
Who can join?
T4B welcomes all young people aged 16-25 who are eligible to access FTB (by having a Birmingham-based GP), are passionate about mental health and wellbeing, and who wish to develop and improve the service for other young people, their family and friends. You do not have to commit to all meetings, which are every other week both online and in person but should make as many as you can.
Join Think4Brum or find out more
To join T4B, please complete our online application
To learn more, see our Welcome Pack
Contact us at
Check out our Twitter – @BWCYouthVoice
Or our Instagram – @BWC_Youth_Voice
Bob Maxfield, Participation & Engagement Lead, Forward Thinking Birmingham
M: 07826 886 511