EB information for professionals

Care guidelines

Birmingham EB Severity Score (BEBS)

Electronic version of the Birmingham EB Severity score (BEBS)

Hints for using e-BEBS

You can save this Excel file to a Microsoft Windows-based PC, and then resave it for each patient.  

If you have trouble opening the file, please check the following requirements:

  • Microsoft Excel 2007 or above with support for XML
  • Macros enabled in Excel

If your browser prompts you to save it as a zip file, just change the extension on the filename from '.zip' to '.xlsm'.

Proceed to E-BEBS 218KB

Any other problems or comments, please feedback to murtaza.khan@nhs.net


Educational EB videos for professionals

Please note: these videos contain footage of hand surgery, tooth extraction, patients under anaesthesia and other clinical procedures and are intended as an educational resource for professionals only.