The CEW service (Complications of Excess Weight)

CEW Team Photo The Complications of Excess Weight (CEW) service is dedicated to supporting children, young people, and families in identifying and managing any health problems associated with excess weight. We understand the challenges you may face and our multidisciplinary team (MDT) is here to help you every step of the way. We believe in a holistic approach. Holistic means seeing the full picture and that everything is connected in some way. We will put you at the centre and focus not only on the health of your body but also on your emotional wellbeing. We will also talk to you about the wider aspects of your life that may have an effect on your health. We provide education, guidance, and ongoing support to empower you and your family to make long-term lifestyle changes.

How to contact us

We can be contacted by phone Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm, on 0121 333 9999 ext. 8897 or by emailing

Information for Professionals

The Complications of Excess Weight Service is for children and young people (CYP) aged one year up to their 16th birthday who have serious health conditions caused by excess weight. Examples include impaired glucose tolerance, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnoea or problems with mobility. Currently, we are accepting referrals across the West Midlands region.

The CEW service offers a time-limited intervention to provide a comprehensive assessment with holistic management of excess weight. Our engagement lasts, depending on individual needs, 1-2 years. Therefore, the CYP must remain under the ongoing care of a Paediatrician.      

The access criteria for our service are:

  • Age: 1-16 years
  • BMI SDS +5 SDS or BMI SDS +3SD with at least one excess-weight-related co-morbidity (see proforma below)
  • Referral through secondary/ tertiary care
  • The CYP and family/carers have agreed to the referral
  • The CYP remains under the care of a paediatrician for the coordination of ongoing care

If you wish to make a referral, please complete the proforma below and send it with a referral letter, the results of fasting screening bloods and other relevant clinic letters to:

CEW (Complications of Excess Weight) Clinic Referral Form

Online Resources

Online for all ages – accessible for all areas

Healthy eating

The Eatwell Guide
NHS | How to Read Food Labels
Change4Life | Sugar calculator
Change4Life | Food facts
NHS | Food Scanner app
Change4Life | Healthier food swaps
BCH | Healthy eating
Award Winning Weight Loss and Behaviour Change programmes

Physical activity

Change4Life | Free indoor activities for kids
Change4Life | Kids' sports and activities
The Daily Mile
NHS | Exercise
NHS | Dance Workout
Awake & Mindful | 5 Best Kids Yoga Videos
Ramblers | Find a walking route - Ramblers
National Trust | Outdoor activities
Cycling UK | Go Cycling
Jo Wicks Kid’s Workout
Beezee Bodies | Award-Winning Weight Loss and Behaviour Change Programmes

Online all areas age 5-7 years

NHS | Disney Sports Quiz | Which new sports to try

Online 11 years +

NHS |  Couch to 5K
NHS | Fitness Studio exercise videos
Teen Yoga | Teaching Yoga and Mindfulness to Teens
Nuffield Health | Move Together
TCV | Find a Green Gym | TCV

Emotional wellbeing

National Bullying Helpline contact information
NSPCC | The UK Children's charity
Young Minds | Parents Helpline | Mental Health Help for Your Child
Kidscape | Help with Bullying
Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy
The Mix | Essential support for under 25s
Action For Children | Mental health support | Action for Children
In Our Place | Online Courses
Be Body Positive | Support for Young People, Parents, Carers & Professionals


Cerebra | Sleep Advice
The Sleep Charity | Sleep Tight Workshop

Help & Support


Healthy eating

Family Recipes
Be Active & Passport to Leisure Schemes | Birmingham Community Leisure Trust
Eat Well Move More - Solihull on The Move
Free activities in parks | Birmingham City Council
Friends of Red House Park, Great Barr
Handsworth Wellbeing Centre | Birmingham City Council
Move Together | Nuffield Health


Sensory Workshops

Financial Support

Cost of living support | Birmingham City Council
Foodbank voucher request | Birmingham City Council
Healthy Start | Get help to buy food and milk
BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme - Family Fund Business Services

Emotional wellbeing

Forward Thinking Birmingham
Pause Birmingham | The Children's Society
Pause hubs | Forward Thinking Birmingham


Physical activity

Free Swimming for 8 – 15-year-olds

Financial Support

Food banks and soup kitchens

Emotional wellbeing

Support for Families 


Healthy eating

One You Walsall | Mytime Active

Physical activity

One You Walsall | Mytime Active
Move-It discount scheme

Emotional wellbeing

Parenting support | Walsall Council
Health for Teems | Find Help


Physical activity

Walk 4 Life - Active Herefordshire & Worcestershire
Getting Active - Active Herefordshire & Worcestershire

Emotional wellbeing

Social, emotional and mental health

Financial Support

Worcester Foodbank | Helping Local People in Crisis


Healthy eating

Staffordshire Connects | Biddulph Community Zone - Fruit & Vegetable Box Scheme
Staffordshire Connects | Family Hub HomeZone Cooking

Physical activity

Time4Sport | A fitter, healthier and happier future

Emotional wellbeing

Staffordshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service

Financial Support

Staffordshire Connects | Biddulph Community Zone - Fruit & Vegetable Box Scheme

Telford / Shrewsbury

Healthy eating

Telford & Wrekin Council | Food and nutrition
Healthy Telford | Speak to a Healthy Lifestyles Advisor
Family Lifestyle | Telford

Physical activity

The Shrewsbury Club | Family and Kids fitness
10 by 10 - free swimming lessons
DISKS Telford - Disability Kids Support
Nuffield Health | Move Together

Emotional wellbeing

Bee U – Children’s mental health and wellbeing

Financial Support

Shrewsbury Food Bank
Telford Foodbank


Healthy eating

One Body One Life | Health for Teens

Physical activity

One Body One Life | Health for Teens
GrowKids Stay & Play | Toddler Group

Emotional wellbeing

Compass Coventry Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service

Financial Support

Baby Godiva - Self Referral
Coventry Foodbank - Helping Local People in Crisis