Caesarean Section (C-section)

During your pregnancy or labour, we may advise a Caesarean section (C-section) for the birth of your baby. A C-section is major surgery so we will only offer it when it is the safest option for you, your baby or both of you. Around 25% of mothers in the UK will have a C-section, either elective, which is planned in advance, or an emergency. The majority of emergency C-sections will be done during labour if vaginal birth is no longer considered to be the safest option.

Occasionally, one may be offered before labour starts. Either way, you will be fully informed throughout your birth journey of any concerns, as well as why we would be offering you a C-section.

If you are thinking of having a C-section, without a pre-existing medical reason, please talk to your midwife or obstetrician as early in the pregnancy as possible. Our experienced staff will listen to your wishes, be able to answer any questions you have and provide you with the information and support you need in order to make an informed decision. A useful link to refer to can also be found here: RCOG choosing to have a caesarean section.

What happens during a C-section?

Ideally, you will be awake and accompanied by your birth partner or supporter. You won’t feel pain, but you can expect to feel some tugging and pulling. A screen will be put across your chest so that you cannot see what is being done, but please be assured that your doctor will inform you of everything that is happening.

Your birth partner is welcome to stay with you and will be directed into a changing room to put on suitable clothes before joining you. To help you relax or distract you, you are welcome to bring some music with you to play on our iPod dock.

Your birth partner will be shown to a relatives’ waiting area just outside the theatre if you are under a general anaesthetic (when you are put into a medically induced coma) where they can wait for you. Our team will keep your partner informed of your progress and will make sure that they're waiting for you when you awaken in our recovery area.

After two hours in our recovery area, you will be transferred to a postnatal ward. You will feel some discomfort which is expected after major surgery. For a while, it may be difficult to stand or sit up straight and it can even hurt to laugh, but we will ensure that pain relief options and support are discussed with you before you go home.

Elective Caesarean Birth Patient Information

Pre-Op Blood Sample 

You must attend the Antenatal Clinic at Birmingham Women’s Hospital to have your pre-op blood sample taken. See the instructions below for when to attend:

  • If your Caesarean Birth is scheduled for Tuesday – Friday – attend antenatal clinic the day before, drop in any time from 8.30am-5.00pm.
  • If your Caesarean Birth is scheduled for Monday at 7.30am - attend antenatal clinic on the Friday before between 4.00pm and 5.00pm.
  • If your Caesarean Birth is scheduled for Monday at 11.30am  – you will have your blood sample taken shortly after your arrival at 11:30am.

Where to come to 

On the day of your Caesarian Birth please go to the Obstetric waiting lounge (OWLs) on the ground floor, past the RVS café and onto the main corridor. OWLs is halfway up on the right-hand side with a blue sign above the door.

Fasting instructions

  • If you have been asked to arrive at 07:30am – please do not eat after 02:30am, please have a large glass of water at 6.30am and then sip water until you arrive at the hospital.
  • If you have been asked to arrive at 11:30am – you can have a light breakfast (such as 2 pieces of toast or a bowl of cereal or some fruit), but please do not eat after 6.30am, you can drink water freely until 10.30am and then just sips until you arrive at the hospital
  • Once you have been seen by the anaesthetic team on arrival you may be allowed to continue to sip water until your c-section.

What to bring

  • Your blue pregnancy booklet. (if diabetic bring your orange notes and blood sugar kit)
  • An overnight bag with items for yourself and your baby.  Note: minimum stay after a Caesarian Birth is 24hrs
  • Pillows are supplied; however, you may want to bring your own for comfort (optional).
  • Bring a pair of slippers/flip-flops to avoid having to bend down to put shoes on.
  • Please do not bring your baby’s car seat – ask your birthing partner to bring this when you have a confirmed discharge time and date.

Visiting rules

  • Your birthing partner can come with you to OWLs.  They can go with you to the operating theatre if a spinal anaesthetic is planned.
  • Your birthing partner and your other children can visit after your Caesarian Birth between 08:00am and 7:00pm.
  • Other visitors - you are allowed 2 at a time between 3:00pm-4:00pm and 6.00pm-7:00pm

Other information

  • Please remove all jewellery and leave it at home.
  • Please remove all nail varnish/gel nails or acrylics before coming into hospital.
  • If you are planning to wear makeup, we request that it be kept to as minimal as possible, as we need to be able to clearly see and monitor your complexion during the procedure.
  • To reduce the risk of infection, please have a shower on the morning of your section.
  • It is also recommended that you don’t shave or do any other form of hair removal in the bikini area from 7 days before your C-section.

Call Triage Immediately

Call Triage immediately for advice if you have any concerns:

  • Feeling feverish or unwell
  • Worried about your baby’s movements
  • Changes in vaginal loss – bleeding or waters
  • Pain
  • Signs of labour


You will receive a phone call from one of the anaesthetists to go through your anaesthetic options. This usually takes place over the phone the day before your Caesarian Birth. The call will show as a withheld number.

FAQs for Elective C-Sections

1. How do I know I'm on the waiting list?  

When you are added to our waiting list, you will receive a text message confirming this from the Hospital.

2. What is the process for scheduling an elective Caesarean section?  

  • Your doctor or midwife makes a referral to our Caesarean Section Co-ordinator.  
  • The co-ordinator will send you a text to confirm that you are on the holding list.  
  • Slots are allocated two weeks before your expected date by the Lead Clinician for the Delivery Suite.  
  • You will be contacted by phone a week before your scheduled date to confirm details, including pre-surgery instructions, visiting hours, and what to bring. This ensures the schedule is stable and you have all the necessary information.  
  • You need to attend the antenatal clinic here at Birmingham Women's Hospital to get your pre-op blood sample done. If you have your Caesarean section scheduled for Tuesday-Friday, please drop in any time between 08:30-17:00 the day before. If you have your Caesarean section scheduled for a Monday at 07:30, please attend for a blood test between 16:00-17:00 on the Friday before. If you have your Caesarean section scheduled for a Monday at 11:30, your blood sample will be taken shortly before your arrival on the day.
  • The day before your Caesarean section, you will also receive a call from one of our anaesthetists to go through your anaesthetic options. The call will come from a withheld number so please be aware. If your Caesarean section is scheduled for a Monday, the call will come the Friday before.
  • On your scheduled date, you will come in for your Caesarean section at the allocated time.

3. When will I know my elective Caesarean section date?  

Your Caesarean section slot will be allocated two weeks before the planned date. You will then receive a call from the Caesarean section Co-ordinator a week prior to confirm the date and share important details.

4. How are slots for elective Caesarean sections allocated?  

The dates chosen will be based on information provided by your medical team and will include relevant concerns about any specific risks to the health of the mother or the baby or any other factors that may make the operation more complex. Slots are allocated based on clinical priority to ensure every woman gives birth safely within their gestational range. 

5. Can I request a specific date for my Caesarean section?  

You may request a preferred date, but it cannot always be guaranteed. Clinical priorities take precedence to ensure the safety of all women and their babies. Childbirth is inherently unpredictable, and the dates of caesarean sections can be moved for many reasons.  We cannot take responsibility for inconvenience related to rearranged plans, including travel arrangements or childcare, due to a changed date of caesarean section. The caesarean section co-ordinator is not able to book a date for caesarean section outside of the date range that has been documented as appropriate by your medical team.  If you wish a different range to be considered, you will need to have an appointment with your obstetrician in the antenatal clinic.

6. Do you send letters to confirm my Caesarean section?  

No, we do not send letters. We will call you directly, update your BadgerNet record, and send a confirmation text to ensure you receive timely communication.  

7. Can my date still change after it has been confirmed by the Caesarean section Co-ordinator?

Yes, your confirmed date may still change in cases of emergencies. While we do our best to keep schedules stable, urgent cases or unforeseen circumstances may require adjustments. If this happens, our team will inform you as soon as possible and work to minimise any inconvenience.

8. How long will I wait after arriving at Obstetric Waiting Lounge (OWLS)?  

We allocate time for you to meet the medical team on the day of your Caesarean section. Procedures are then carried out in order of clinical need.

9. What happens if my Caesarean section is delayed on the day?

Delays can occur if emergencies or urgent cases arise that require immediate attention. If your Caesarean section is delayed, our team will keep you informed and provide updates on the timing. We aim to minimise any waiting time and ensure that you and your baby receive the safest and best care possible. Please rest assured that you will be well-supported throughout the process.

10. What happens if I go into labour before my scheduled Caesarean section?

If you go into labour before your scheduled date, please contact triage immediately. A clinician will assess your situation to determine the wellbeing of you and your baby and determine how far along you are in labour.  At this point in time a plan will be made with you as to the safest course of action.  Depending on the clinical situation at the time, you may choose to proceed with a vaginal birth, or you may choose to have an emergency caesarean section.  If you have a caesarean section, the timing of this would be determined by the specific circumstances on the day.

11. Can I have an elective Caesarean section for a future pregnancy if I have one now?

Yes, you can have an elective Caesarean section for a future pregnancy if you have one now, though this will depend on individual circumstances. Your healthcare team will assess factors such as your overall health, the condition of your uterus, any complications during this or previous pregnancies, and your personal preferences. They will provide guidance on the safest delivery method for future pregnancies, whether that is another Caesarean section or attempting a vaginal birth (VBAC).

12. I’ve been asked to be a reserve. What does this mean?
Being a reserve means you are on standby for a Caesarean section slot in case there are changes to the schedule, such as cancellations or adjustments due to clinical priorities. If a slot is unavailable to you due to capacity, you may be contacted and given the option to be a reserve and asked to fast on certain days. This helps ensure we make the best use of available slots while prioritising safety for all patients.

For further queries, please call the Caesarean section Co-ordinator via Switchboard on 01214721377 ext. 5103

Why might I need to have an emergency C-section?

Fetal distress

Sometimes babies become distressed or tired during labour. This can be more likely if you are having a small baby than if your baby is well-grown.

If we think that your baby is becoming distressed, we will closely watch your baby’s heart rate on a monitor. If they are distressed, we would usually offer you a fetal blood sampling to confirm our concerns. This test is done by vaginal examination where a small scratch is made on your baby’s head. A drop of blood is taken to check your baby’s oxygen level. The test will either reassure us to encourage you to continue in your labour, or it may tell us that you need to be offered an emergency Caesarean.

Labour progress is slower than expected

Sometimes the cervix (opening to the neck of the womb or uterus) does not open or dilate well during labour. If you do not make progress or the progress is slow, you may be offered a Caesarean after other options have been explored.

Our Theatre team work across our two operating theatres, with doctors (obstetrician, an anaesthetist and a neonatologist), nursing staff (one who assists the surgeon and one other), an operating department practitioner (who assists the anaesthetist) and your midwife with you during the surgery.