Resources for parents and carers
As part of the #YouveBeenMissed campaign, the resources are for you to do with your child or young person to help support their emotional wellbeing. There is also guidance to support you to work together with the school where there are concerns regarding Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA).
Anxiety and Stress
- Guidance for parents of younger children
- Guidance for parents of young people
- Anxiety and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Information for Parents and Carers
- Understanding Health Anxiety - Guidance for Parents and Carers
- Understanding the Teenage Brain and Anxiety - Guidance for Parents and Carers
- Understanding the Brain and Worry - The Meerkat Owl and Elephant - Guidance for Parents and Carers
- Supporting Children When They Worry - Advice for Parents and Carers
- Worry Box - Activity for Parents and Carers
- Talking to Children and Young People about Their Worries - Guidance for Parents and Carers
- Understanding Our Happy Feelings - Activity for Parents and Carers
- Stress Bucket - Activity for Parents and Carers
- Mindful Breathing - Activity for Parents and Carers
- Mindfulness Floating Thoughts - Activity for Parents and Carers
- Self Soothe Box - Activity for Parents and Carers
- Missing You - Activity for Parents and Carers
- Identifying Worry - Activity for Parents and Carers (Primary)
Low Mood
- Self Soothe Box - Activity for Parents and Carers
- Challenging Thoughts - Activity for Parents Carers
- Thought Detective - Activity for Parents and Carers
- Thoughts Feelings and Behaviours When We Feel Low - Activity for Parents and Carers
- Challenging Thoughts - Activity for Parents Carers
- Automatic Negative Thoughts - ANTS - Activity for Parents and Carers
Anger and Frustration
- Anger Top Tips - Advice for Parents and Carers
- Body Map of Anger - Activity for Parents and Carers
- What Is Below Our Anger - Activity for Parents and Carers
- Understanding Our Happy Feelings - Activity for Parents and Carers
- How Low Mood Affects Your Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviour - Activity for Parents and Carers (Secondary)
- Calm Down Cards - Activity for Parents and Carers
Advice and guidance:
- NVR - A Parent's Reflection - Guidance for Parents and Carers
- Sleep Hygiene - Guidance for Parents and Carers
- Supporting Routine - Guidance for Parents and Carers
- Supporting Routines - Hints and Tips for Parents and Carers
- NVR through a parent's lense - a guide for parents and carers
Nonviolent Resistance (NVR) Parent/Carer Group Resources
Week 1 - An Overview of NVR
Week 2 - Parental Presence and Self-care
Week 3 - De-escalation
Week 4 - Reconciliation
Week 5 - Lifting and Veil of Secrecy and Accommodation
Week 6 - Baskets
Week 7 - Supporters
Week 8 - Deferred Response Part 1
Week 9 - Deferred response part 2
Week 10
- A Short film from Birmingham Children’s partnership (40 seconds!) for parents