Our carbon pie
Our carbon pie shows the carbon emissions for the various parts of our activities as an organisation.
The bright green section is our immediate ‘Carbon Footprint,’ and includes carbon from heating, colling, lighting, water and medical gases.
However, you’ll see that the larger chunk of carbon is associated with all the things we buy, from medicines and medical equipment to paper, toilet rolls and food in our supply chain, coloured blue.
You can also see how travel adds a significant amount of carbon to the impact of our organisation on the planet.
We’ve pledged to get to net-zero on our carbon footprint by 2040, and for the remaining areas by 2045.
To achieve this, we have a specialist team of sustainability experts working with our staff and patients through several groups, each thinking particularly about one area of our carbon pie.
You can read about their work by following the links below;
- Building energy (24%)
- Anaesthetic Gases and Metered Dose Inhalers (4%)
- Water and Waste (<1%)
- Personal Travel (10%)
- Business Travel and Fleet (<1%)
- Medicines and Chemicals (10%)
- Medical Equipment (10%)
- Non-medical Equipment (6%)
- Construction & Food (34%)
- Commissioned services (2%)