"Cheeky chappy" Reagan receives the Gift of Life after being diagnosed with kidney disease | News

"Cheeky chappy" Reagan receives the Gift of Life after being diagnosed with kidney disease

Reagan smiling in hospital

Reagan smiling in hospitalFour-year-old Reagan Woodward is now thriving after receiving the ‘Gift of Life’ via a kidney transplant at our Children’s Hospital and his family are encouraging everyone to share their organ donation wishes. 

He is one of around 30 children each year to have the lifesaving procedure at the specialist centre. Reagan’s family are sharing their story ahead of World Kidney Day on 13 March.

Shortly after he was born, Reagan lost a lot of weight. He was sent for blood tests which showed his potassium and sodium levels were very high. He was transferred to our Children's Hospital’s Specialist Renal Department and was diagnosed with kidney disease. 

Mum, Michelle Fitzgerald, from Kingswinford, said: "Reagan spent the first two and a half years of his life in and out of hospital. He's been through so much in his first few years but has built up such good bonds with the staff. 

“Almost everyone on Ward 1 at the Children’s has known Reagan since he was a tiny newborn baby. They have watched him grow and become the cheeky chappy he is today.

Reagan in hospital after operationAt just 13 weeks old, Reagan had his first surgical procedure on Christmas Eve 2020, spending his first festive period as an inpatient. He has undergone several procedures since and was also tube-fed from when he was three-weeks-old.

Michelle shared: "We always knew Reagan would eventually need a kidney transplant as his didn't develop properly. In July last year, he was activated on the transplant list and it was only a few months later we received a phone call to say there was a kidney for Reagan."

Reagan underwent a kidney transplant last autumn.

Michelle said: "It was the longest, most agonising wait of my life. We walked to the theatre and I kissed him goodbye at 9am and didn't see him again until 5pm that evening."

Thankfully, the transplant went well, but there have been bumps in the road.

Michelle explained: "He really struggled after his surgery. He didn't want anybody to go near him and neither did he acknowledge anyone. He even refused to talk to me and his dad. 

Reagan with his sister"The only people Reagan seemed to respond well to was his big sister Rebekah, Asma, Play Facilitator on Ward 1 and Dr Alex Lalayiannis, Reagan's Renal Consultant. Reagan refers to them as his best friends.

“He has built up a great bond with Asma as well as the rest of Ward 1, from the doctors to the nurses on the ward, the transplant nurses and the Urodynamics team."

Despite a difficult journey, his transplanted kidney is working well and things are looking positive for Reagan, who is looking forward to starting school this year.

Michelle said: "We are forever grateful to Reagan's donor and everyone at Birmingham Children’s Hospital who has looked after him.”

Dr Alex Lalayiannis, Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist at the Children’s Hospital, said: “I have known Reagan since he was born. Despite the challenges he has faced, he has shown remarkable bravery and resilience. His path has not been easy, but he has faced each step with a smile on his face and a bright disposition. 

“His infectious cheerfulness always brightens my day and I enjoy his high fives and fist bumps. His strength in the face of adversity is nothing short of inspiring. 

“I am always in awe of kidney donors and their families, who make such a courageous decision to donate.

“Today, Reagan is thriving, his transplant working wonderfully, and he continues to show us all the power of hope, courage and a positive attitude.”

Michelle added: "The gift of a transplant is just the most wonderful gift you can give. A part of you can live on in someone else and give them the best chance in life."

Did you know taking just two minutes now could save up to nine lives? Please register your organ donation decision on the NHS organ donation website and then share your wishes with your loved ones.

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