Mental Health expert's 'top tips' for the first day back at school | News

Mental Health expert's 'top tips' for the first day back at school

Our Mental Health Support Team at Forward Thinking Birmingham, the city’s 0-25 Mental Health Service, helps children, young people and their families by providing emotional health and wellbeing support in schools and colleges. 

If you or your child is worried about heading back to school after the holidays, they're offering their top tips for preparing for the first day back. 

Our team's top tips for your child Children as they return back to school

1. Get into the habit of setting your own alarm to get up in the morning. This will give you plenty of time to prepare for your day. It can be very stressful waking up late for school and not having time to get ready properly.

2. Organise your uniform and pack your bag the night before. Being organised can reduce your anxiety and make going back to school run a little smoother.

3. If you are going to secondary school or your parents are allowing you to travel to school on your own for the first time, plan your journey. Walk or travel the route you will take so that you know the way and how long it takes to get to school.

4. It is important to make sure you do nice things after returning to school so it doesn’t just feel like work, work, work. Make sure that when you come home from school, you do something you enjoy, like drawing, listening to music or watching your favourite TV programme.

5. Remember, when you can feel your breathing become faster, your heartbeat increase, or any other symptoms you experience when feeling anxious, it can help to concentrate on your breathing. Mind have some useful exercises you can try on its website.

6. If you’re struggling, there’s always someone you can talk to. Share your thoughts with a teacher, parent or carer and you can work out a plan together. You can also get anonymous, free support at

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