New training suite for seriously ill children in the West Midlands to help them go home sooner | News

New training suite for seriously ill children in the West Midlands to help them go home sooner

Staff and patients celebrate the new room Seriously ill children in the West Midlands and their families will be getting vital support from a new training facility at Birmingham Children’s Hospital (BCH).

The Better at Home Training Suite, based on Ward 15 and funded by WellChild, the national charity for seriously ill children, was officially opened this week, on 26th July 2023.

The new suite will help deliver training so that children with complex medical needs can be safely discharged from hospital to live at home with their families. The project was made possible by a grant from Property Race Day. It provides a home-from-home space where parents and carers can learn the often life-saving interventions needed by their child in a safe environment using specialised equipment to simulate real life scenarios. They also provide an opportunity for extended family members to train as well to widen a family’s support network as well as training for other professionals who may be involved in a child’s care. Set up to replicate a child’s bedroom, they provide a safe space to prepare for providing care in the home.

Families like that of two-year-old Jenson and Grayson from Wolverhampton will now be able to benefit from the training suite. The twins have a series of complex medical conditions due to being born very prematurely. After a series of critical surgeries shortly after their birth at both New Cross Hospital as well as BCH, the twins were edging closer to being well enough to come home. To prepare the family to care for the twins needs once they were home the hospital team gave them special training.

Their mother, Lindsay, who was supported through this by WellChild Children’s Nurse, Rachel Shanahan, said: “Training was done in his room, but this was difficult because professionals are constantly interrupting as they needed to check on Jenson or give him medicine. Sometimes you just want some space and privacy to take it all in.”

“To have had a place like the training suite would have been much better; it’s private and more comfortable. It means you can focus solely on the task at hand and not worry about all the people coming in and out and what they are doing.”

The new room with bed, chair and shelves The suite allows families feel close to their children whilst they are receiving their training and so that they are close to medical services for support. Professionals from all specialities at the Children’s will have access to the suite if needed. Often, training for parents and carers takes place at a child’s bedside prior to discharge home. In some cases, this does not prepare parents and carers for crisis or emergency situations that might arise.

Heather Petts, Associate Director of Nursing (Medicine) at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We’re delighted to be able to open this dedicated space that will make such a difference to our patients, their loved ones, and our teams. We are hugely grateful to WellChild for their support.

“The room, designed to look and feel like a home bedroom, provides an environment we’ve not had previously – somewhere where we can support families when it comes to education, giving them confidence ahead of their child going home.

“Previously, the majority of such important training, took part at the bedside, which is not ideal. Being able to take time away in such a lovely space means there’s a sole focus on education. We know from feedback this will improve experiences.”

WellChild CEO, Matt James added: “Our Better at Home suites are vital in giving parents and carers the skills and confidence they need to care for their children safely at home, where they will have the very best chance to thrive. We’re delighted to be able to extend this support to more families.

“Huge thanks go to the October Club for in making it possible to provide this crucial support for families in the West Midlands.”

This is the 11th in a network of WellChild Better at Home suites up and down the UK.

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