Our International Day of the Midwife Vloggers - Midwifery Moments | News

Our International Day of the Midwife Vloggers - Midwifery Moments

We kicked off our annual International Day of the Midwife (IDM) celebrations with a special vlogger video series, hosted by our fantastic midwives – you might recognise a few familiar faces and fabulous personalities who took the time to speak with us this IDM 2023.

The ‘Midwifery Moments’ vlog series visited six of our inspiring midwives, who spoke on behalf of their departments to shine a light on their Trust Quality Improvement projects, supporting the wider development of our Perinatal Services.

Our Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Daljit Athwal decided to pay a visit across our Women’s Hospital to hand deliver some treats to our dedicated teams, as a small token of our gratitude for the incredible efforts of our perinatal champions.

Our Midwifery Moments Vloggers

How to be a Quality Improvement Champion | Transforming Triage

XLouisa Davidson, Associate Director of Midwifery and Matron for Intrapartum Services, Kookie Salt, were kind enough to be featured as two of our Midwifery Moments vloggers. The dynamic duo discuss the importance of quality improvement as a tool to improve our services across a range of different departments. The pair showcase Triage as a prime example of how quality improvement is being used to support our colleagues, in effect enhancing patient care.

Supporting our Internationally Educated Midwives

X Molly Yeadsley, International Recruitment and Education Midwife and Professional Midwifery Advocate spoke with us about the support and process that our Internationally Educated Midwives undergo, to continue their time with us at BWC.

We were also joined by Love and Eunice, Internationally Educated Midwives at our Women's Hospital who share their thoughts on the process of being internationally recruited and living their lives in Birmingham. Molly shared the importance of nurturing our Internationally Educated Midwives and supporting them through the completion of their bootcamp training for OSCE qualifications.

Promoting respect and 'Pressing Pause' - Reducing Incivility with Gemma Price

X We’re taking a moment to celebrate the essential role of midwives and reaffirm our commitment to promoting a culture of civility and respect in maternity. The Civility project is taking concrete steps to tackle incivility in the workplace and ensure that staff can work in a safe and supportive environment. The 'Press Pause' scheme is one such initiative that encourages staff to address incivility, be more compassionate, and provide the best possible care for mothers, birthing people and infants.

Enhancing Antenatal Care | Matron, Dee Smith

X Dee Smith, Matron for Community, Home Birth and Continuity of Care elaborates on the importance of looking after our colleagues so that they can go on to provide enhanced care for our patients.

We're really excited to spotlight the fantastic improvements across Antenatal health care at our Women's Hospital.

Improving bladder care across our Post-natal services | Kathy Parsons

X We're happy to share the fantastic results of our post-natal teams' Quality Improvement Project, reducing avoidable perineal injuries for patients following their baby's birth to an impressive zero per cent. Kathy Parsons, Specialist Midwife discusses the incremental role perineal health has upon a woman both short-term and long-term.

'We're not cogs in the machine' | Professional Midwifery Advocacy Scheme

X We highlight the incredible work of midwives around the world.

As a profession that is emotionally challenging and pressure-intensive, midwives can often experience burnout and may feel the need for a helping hand.

At our Trust, we are extending key support to midwives in need through our Professional Midwifery Advocacy program. You can learn more about the programme with Gemma Smith via Midwifery Moments.

Find your Fit - The Switch Up Scheme

X We were joined by Molly Yeardsley who shares insights into our ‘Switch Up’ platform, which provides comprehensive knowledge on the opportunities available, including our key midwives who share inside knowledge on the various midwifery careers across our organisation from Infant Feeding Midwifery to Bereavement Midwifery.

Paired with our supportive colleagues like Connie Weston (job title) and our Professional Midwifery Advocates (our experienced mentors on hand to support our midwives), our colleagues can pave their way towards a successful career in supporting our families and patients, through diversifying in their specialisms.

We’d like to take a moment to thank all of our midwives for their exceptional work that does not go unnoticed.

You can learn more about the projects above and watch their vlogs via our International Day of the Midwife Hub.

Perhaps you are a midwife or an aspiring midwife looking to venture into an organisation, that strives towards continuous improvement. If you think you want to contribute towards our organisation’s development, visit our maternity recruitment page and make your mark today.

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