Stories from around our Trust

NHS Staff Survey 2022 results published

Thousands of colleagues across our Trust shared their thoughts on life as part of the BWC Family in the annual NHS Staff Survey and the results have been released.

Dad gives kidney to save daughter’s life

A father has given his daughter the ‘Gift of Life’ after donating a kidney which was then transplanted by the expert team at Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

Industrial Action Public Message - 8 March

The British Medical Association is taking industrial action across the UK as part of its dispute over pay with the Government.  

Postgraduate Doctors (Junior Doctors) will be striking for three days from Monday 13 March. 

Diagnosed with Hydrocephalus at five weeks old – Mum shares Arthur’s story

When Arthur was just five weeks old, Mum Roxanne from Walsall was told he had a rare condition called Hydrocephalus, a build-up of fluid in the brain that causes severe pressure in the head.

Roxanne spoke to us about her son’s journey for Hydrocephalus Awareness Week (6 March – 12 March).

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