Stories from around our Trust

Past Patients and Siblings Host 'Big Discussion'

Young people, including past patients and their siblings, took centre stage in a transformative Big Discussion event for healthcare professionals, advocating for youth voice within our Trust. 

Lily defies all odds to take her first steps

Mum Alice and Dad Dan from Evesham, welcomed their daughter Lily into the world in December 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Only 24 hours after birth, Lily was diagnosed with Sturge Weber Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder usually involving a port wine stain birthmark. 

Such a special night celebrating our BWC Spirit Awards 2023

What a special night. Our annual BWC Spirit Awards offers the opportunity to reflect and celebrate the amazing work of colleagues right across our Trust. Our 2023 ceremony was no exception, in fact it was bigger and better than ever before, having received a record-breaking 850 nominations.

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