Two Prestigious Research Awards for Dr Suma Uday | News

Two Prestigious Research Awards for Dr Suma Uday

Dr Uday receiving her away

Dr Uday poses for picture with awardCongratulations to Dr Suma Uday, Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist at our Children’s Hospital and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Birmingham, who has received two highly prestigious international research awards this year.

Dr Uday receiving her award

She received the New Investigator Award from the International Society of Children's Bone Health (ISCBH) in June this year in recognition of her work on bone development in early life, and the Young Investigator Award from the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) in November 2024. 

Dr Uday said: “It is a great honour to be recognised in these prestigious awards and I hope that our work can go on to benefit a large number of patients and families, as well as having an impact on public health policies going forward.”

Both awards reflect Dr Uday’s groundbreaking clinical research in metabolic bone health and type 1 diabetes.

Her work aims to tackle health inequalities in diabetes education, care and outcomes. In addition, her PhD and post-doctoral work explored the hidden burden of vitamin D deficiency, nutritional rickets and its impact on public health policies.

This work has been published in several high-impact publications, improving care for children with diabetes and metabolic bone diseases.

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