Claire Lemer
Chief Strategy Officer
Dr Claire Lemer joined BWC in 2024 as Chief Officer for Strategy and Innovation.
She had previously worked at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital where she was Clinical Director for Medicine and Neonatal Services alongside her role as a Consultant in General Paediatrics. She was also Director of Transformation with a focus on capital programmes.
Dr Lemer studied medicine at Cambridge University and University College London. She also holds further degrees in Public Health, Business Administration and Research. As a clinician, and service manager she has worked in a number of NHS hospitals across the country.
Claire spent two and a half years at the Department of Health and World Health Organisation, where she worked in public health, quality improvement and developing clinical leadership programmes. She also served as the Associate National Clinical Director for Children Young People and Transition at NHSE.
During 2004-2005, Claire was a Harkness Fellow in Health Policy, in Boston, USA, where she researched the effects of communication in paediatric medication safety.
She has co-authored two books on medical management.