Meet Kavita Akhter, Biomedical Scientist

Kavita stood in her laboratory Explain what your job entails?

My job entails the analysis of all sorts of blood from patients far and wide. Whether it be triage cases in our accident and emergency department requiring real time results, or the monitoring and diagnosis of our inpatients or outpatients with a multitude of conditions.

Why did you choose your career?

I’ve always loved science and this for me was a field where my compassion and passion adhered together. I love knowing that the dissemination of information from pathology, really goes onto have real word impact.

What do you love about your job?

I love that every single patient is unique, the same as the conditions they have. This means we get to see the little details and be part of the bigger picture.

Let us know something that a lot of people don’t know about your job?

The job involves the care of multiple teams, caring for a wide range of conditions. This can sometimes be challenging but with the right team and support, we really impact lives.