BWC hosts webinar with Tommy’s Charity on pioneering pregnancy loss policy | News

BWC hosts webinar with Tommy’s Charity on pioneering pregnancy loss policy

Last week, BWC was proud to support hundreds of NHS Trusts in partnership with Tommy’s, t he baby loss and pregnancy research charity, on ‘How to Implement a Pregnancy Loss Policy ’.  
This webinar comes a month after our pioneering baby loss policy was given national approval and was rolled out across the country from NHSE to widespread support. 

Minister for Women’s Health Strategy, Maria Caulfield said:  “Our brilliant NHS workers look after us when we need it most and this new guidance is a positive step towards ensuring they are supported through the tragedy of losing a baby.  

“This delivers on key recommendations made in the Pregnancy loss review and is part of our efforts to improve women’s health through the Women’s health strategy.   
“We look forward to announcing further support measures to help parents going through this heartbreaking experience ”.  
The policy, which was first introduced at our Trust in 2021, detailed additional support for families who are suffering from baby loss or who have had a premature birth, including periods of paid leave. Our Trust also hosts a national Tommy’s Centre  whose pioneering research contributed to improvements in care for families experiencing a miscarriage in the NHS and influenced the Government Review. 
The policy has offered up to ten days of paid leave for those who were pregnant and up to five days of paid leave for the partner. In addition, staff are also offered paid time off for appointments linked to pregnancy loss and have a promise that all requests to work flexibly following a bereavement are treated with understanding and sensitivity.  
Attendees of the webinar heard from a panel of early adopters of the policy, including Hywel Daniel from Cwm Taf Morgannwg, Zoe Marsh from University Hospitals Leicester and Karen Phillips from Humber Teaching NHS Trust.  
Raffaela Goodby, Chief People Officer at BWC said “I am so grateful to my NHS colleagues and Tommy’s for their energy and advice to our colleagues on how to implement this landmark policy.  
“We feel humbled to have the opportunity to support mothers and parents with love and compassion at a terrible time in their employment and to see how the policy has been welcomed across the NHS.”  
Find out more about the NHS policy on the NHS website  

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