"I'm not stopping anytime soon" - Di's nurse to volunteer story at Birmingham Children’s Hospital

Di Thomson is a well-known and a bit of a legend around our Children's Hospital, having started her nursing career at our specialist paediatric centre as a Newly Qualified Nurse in 1970.
Fast forward more than 40 years to 2008 and she officially retired after a lengthy career at our Children’s Hospital as a Hospital Night Sister, a Clinical Nurse Teacher as part of the QE School of Nursing and then Senior Sister on the hospital’s Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).
Seventeen years after her retirement, Di is still a familiar face at the Children’s as she has been a fixture of our volunteer team supporting with admin on PICU and day-to-day tasks within the Chaplaincy team. She’s also a valued member of the hospital’s choir.
We sat down with Di to talk about the emotional elements of her career, her inspiration and any advice she had for those considering volunteering.
She said: "It is really special that this was where I started and concluded my nursing career. I have always loved working with children since my school days.
“In Sixth Form I was always the one that teachers asked to help with the younger children. Coming from a family that cherished kids, it was a natural fit for me.”
After spending four decades in our NHS, Di very much wanted to continue giving something back. She’s one of around 245 valued volunteers that work across Birmingham Women’s and children’s NHS Foundation Trust and one of 32 that support our Children’s Hospital specifically. Di shared what inspired her to get involved with volunteering.
She said: "It just so happened that towards the end of my time on the Intensive Care Unit our evening receptionist was on sick leave. I always used to say 'when I retire, I am going to come and answer that phone' because, as you can imagine, it rang a lot.
“That’s it really when it comes to how my volunteering career started. I just started helping our Admin team.”
Carrie Stokes, PICU Lead Nurse who works with Di, said: “It’s quite the achievement to come in week in, week out for all this time with unwavering enthusiasm.
“She amazes us with her kindness towards both staff and families. She helps such a lot and keeps morale up by just being there at times for good natter. We all really appreciate what Di does.”
Five years ago, our world changed as the COVID-19 pandemic impacted all of our lives. To keep everyone safe, access to our clinical areas was restricted, including to our volunteers, which was tough for our dedicated supporters like Di.
However, she did soon return to our Children’s Hospital when it was safe to do so. This time in a new role with our Chaplaincy team, which didn’t require her spending time on wards. She loved this and now gives her time to both Chaplaincy and PICU.
Wendy Coleman, Chaplain said: “Diane is a wonderful volunteer, who gives so much energy and enthusiasm to supporting the Chaplaincy department whether that is putting up posters, organising packs for staff retreats, sibling support or taking part in events like the Trust’s ‘Celebrate’ project. She is always found going about her work with a smile.”
Liz Bryson, Chaplain, has also had the privilege of working alongside Di in the Chaplaincy team. She said: “Nothing is impossible for her to tackle. She is cheerfully and faithfully committed to helping every week. She is also a wonderful and highly valued member of the Chaplaincy Staff Support Choir.”
Di now does one day a week in our PICU reception and another in Chaplaincy to support both teams. She said: “I love working in PICU and Chaplaincy. I plan to do it as long as I can. My husband also volunteers elsewhere. It is great because our retirement is all about filling our lives with meaningful activities, which is lovely.”
Ian Wood, who looks after volunteers at our Children’s Hospital said: “Di has dedicated countless hours to the hospital, sharing her kindness, compassion and unwavering support.
“Her selfless contributions over the years have touched so many lives. We are truly grateful for her dedication and the light she brings to our team. Thank you, Di, for being an inspiration to us all.”
If you are interested in Volunteering just like Di does, visit our website for further information on how to get involved.