Pam Stirrop

Lead Governor

After a lifetime passion for health, exercise and wellbeing and an interest in the NHS, I had the opportunity to be a volunteer for the Trust at the Birmingham Children’s Hospital.  During my time volunteering I have enjoyed talking to and helping people; listening to their views and experiences.  It has given me an insight into how people view the situation they are in, the sometimes frustrations of patients, parents and also the staff.   It reaffirmed my belief in teamwork and the importance of listening to everyone’s views with compassion and respect.  The experience I gained volunteering inspired me to apply to be a governor for the Trust to help make a difference and it is a privilege to have been elected. 

My aim as a governor is to be part of shaping a successful Trust which works well for all and most importantly, without detriment to patient care.

Contact details

You can contact Pam at

Pam Stirrop