Contact Numbers
Oncology/Haematology Outpatients: 0121 333 9282
Ward 18: 0121 333 9132
Ward 19: 0121 333 9135
Stem Cell Outpatients: 0121 333 8677
Cancer Nurse Specialists: 0121 333 8684 or
Teenage Cancer Nurse Specialists: 07824475289
Paediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist (at ROH and BCH): 0121 685 4031/ 07341097721
Specialist Nursing Team at ROH: 0121 685 4031
Haemophilia Unit: 0121 333 9150
Haemoglobinopathy Unit: 0121 333 8861/8862
Other useful numbers:
Chemotherapy Team: 0121 333 8686
Long Term Follow-up Team: 0121 333 8245/9131 or email:
Retinoblastoma Team: 0121 333 9475
Research Team: 0121 333 8676 or to bleep call 0121 333 9999 and ask for bleep 55174
Oncology Secretaries: 0121 333 8412/8233/8234
Haematology Secretaries: 0121 333 9842/9843/9844/9846/9848
Paediatric Radiotherapy/Protons Coordinator: 0121 333 9298
Paediatric Radiotherapy Radiographer (QE Hospital): 0121 371 3547